
Relationship Status: Married with one son

Favorite part about Cat Country: Cat Country 94.1 is new and exciting. The station maintains the family focus and still finds ways to be edgy. Our concerts and events are full of energy and our listeners are like no other!

If I weren’t in radio: I honestly don’t know what I would be doing.  I DJ privately on the side but this is all I know and enjoy!

Something people don’t know about me: I am terrified to jump into a lake! You don’t know what’s in there!

Hobbies: Baseball, Fishing, Hunting, Cars, off-roading, anything outdoors with friends and family.

Favorite meal: Wings!!

Favorite drink: Diet Mt Dew and SHOTS!!

Favorite place to travel: Florida

Pets: 2 dogs (Great Dane, Golden Retriever) , 1 cat and fish.

In addition to his Sunday evening show from 4-7pm, you’ll hear Tater popping up every now then to help out whenever someone needs a vacation! 
